Residential Phone Pricing

  • Residential Phone Line - $30/mo.

    • Caller ID Number - included

    • Automatic Recall - included

    • Call Waiting - included

    • Call Forwarding - included

    • [Optional Feature] Voicemail - $4/mo.

    • [Optional Feature] Caller ID Name - $1.50/mo.

    • [Optional Feature] Distinctive Ring (Fax) - $3/mo.

  • Coon Valley Farmers Telephone is now listing cell phone numbers in our telephone directory. If you have phone service with CVFT, the cost of the listing would be $.50 a month, or without phone service $2.00 a month

    Please contact our office as soon as possible at 608-452-3101 to set up your listing.

Calling Area Info

Coon Valley Calling Area

Chaseburg (483)
Stoddard (457),
Westby (634)
La Crosse/Onalaska (392,519,775,779,781,782,783,784,785,787,788,789,791,793,796,881)
U.S. Cellular (317,386,451-[23],498-[01235678],606,619-[0],639,693,790,792,804)
Verizon (304-[23456789],397,406,461,518,632,667,769,780,797,799)
Level 3 (433-9,498-4,492-6,615-4)
Mediacom Coon Valley (619-[5])
Mediacom Chaseburg (672-[1])
Mediacom Stoddard (679-[1])

*Cashton (654)
*Bangor (486)
*West Salem (786)
*Genoa (689)
*Liberty Pole (675)
*Viroqua (637)

Chaseburg Local Calling Area

Coon Valley (452)
Genoa (689)
Stoddard (457)
Westby (634)
La Crosse/Onalaska (392,519,775,779,781,782,783,784,785,787,788,789,791,793,796,881)
U.S. Cellular (317,386,451-[23],498-[01235678],606,619-[0],639,693,790,792,804)
Verizon (304-[23456789],397,406,461,518,632,667,769,780,797,799)
Level 3 (433-9,498-4,492-6,615-4)
Mediacom Coon Valley (619-[5])
Mediacom Chaseburg (672-[1])
Mediacom Stoddard (679-[1])

*DeSoto (648)
*Liberty Pole (675)
*Viroqua (637)

Stoddard Local Calling Area

Coon Valley (452)
Chaseburg (483)
Genoa (689)
La Crosse/Onalaska (392,519,775,779,781,782,783,784,785,787,788,789,791,793,796,881)
U.S. Cellular (317,386,451-[23],498-[01235678],606,619-[0],639,693,790,792,804)
Verizon (304-[23456789],397,406,461,518,632,667,769,780,797,799)
Level 3 (433-9,498-4,492-6,615-4)
Mediacom Coon Valley (619-[5])
Mediacom Chaseburg (672-[1])
Mediacom Stoddard (679-[1])

*DeSoto (648)

* Calls to these prefixes are billed ECC (5 cents per minute) for business customers. They are EAS (no charge) for residential customers.


Calling Features

Caller ID Number, Automatic Recall, Call Waiting and Call Forwarding features are now free with all residential phone lines.